Monday, June 21, 2010

Slow Day

Only three games on the schedule today (including the Yankees vs. the Dbacks). Does anybody else think the coverage of Manny's return to Fenway was overblown? I even heard someone on the MLB Network say "who cares?" when they asked "what is Manny doing now?" when looking at a ballpark cam view of Fenway. I mean maybe the first day was warrented, but they were obsessed with this all through the series. And now I'm watching this overdramatic recap of his series, complete with generic adventure music. I know that's the state of our media these days, but damn, but it's starting to get obnoxious. I mean, the third start of Stephen Strasburg, a much more exciting player than Manny, was interrupted so we could see Manny's first at bat. Really?

Another thing that is starting to annoy me is the constant interruptions during the game. By this I mean sideline reports about things that have little to do with the game on the field (YES is especially guilty of this) and guests to the booths. These are nice now and again, but do we really have to have Curt Schilling's perspective on the game? Why not, I don't know, just call the game instead of talking to Curt Schilling about games that were played six years ago? I'm more interested in hearing what is happening on the field, not what happened in the past.

1 comment:

  1. Stuck in Alexandria, VA, but as luck would have it, Stephen Strasberg pitching for the Nats this afternoon! Will report back.
